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13year old bullied and beaten by the herd because she is black: “Car di m***a, go back to your country "

The girl had been targeted by two classmates of a middle school in Collatino for some time, so much so that everyday life had become a nightmare for her. After the attack she was taken to hospital, then she went to file a complaint with the carabinieri. While she was being beaten, a party of kids cheered on the bullies.

of Natascia Grbic

A history of bullying, racism, and prevarication that occurred at Collatino, neighborhood located on the eastern outskirts of Rome. A little girl from 13 years she was beaten by two of her peers because she was Arab and black. First the insults, daily, when they were in school, enough to push her not to be happy every time she went to class. Then the two bullies - a boy and a girl who had particularly targeted her for the color of her skin - moved on to facts. And they brutally beat her, knocking her to the ground and kicking and punching her. Two against one, with the whole party cheering them on. To repeatedly hit the victim on the ground, especially a little girl. The story is told by RomaToday, which explains how the nightmare for adolescents was born and how it resulted in the aggression a few days ago.

The beating dates back to 16 September. The little girl, who had found some during the lockdown’ of serenity, she had gone back to school. She was supposed to go to a birthday party that afternoon: she went to get a friend of hers and they headed for the club. Passing in front of a park, they met the two bullies. That, recognizing the adolescent, they approached and began to insult her.

“Arab shit. Go back to your country. Sons of bitches”.

After the insults, the beating, with the girl thrown to the ground and kicked and punched. They spat on her and even shot a video that, as the victim reports, was filmed in various school chats.

When the girl arrived at the party she gave the gift to her friend. The swollen face, the marks of the beatings and the torn clothes. Therefore, he called his parents and asked to be picked up. Once there, The other girl also arrived accompanied by her mother, pointing to the 13-year-old and saying she was beaten by her. The woman too, like daughter, he then began with racist slurs and threatening the girl's mother. The victim's parents then called the 112 and the police arrived on the spot. The beaten teenager was taken to hospital to Sandro Pertini, where it was reported with a “trauma to the face” it's a “polycontus trauma to the left ear”. The two bullies who beat her were reported by the police.


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