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Bolsonaro against the WHO: “Promotes homosexuality and masturbation among children”

The fascist president attacks the World Health Organization: “E’ this is the World Health Organization whose certain advice they would like to hear?”

A homophobic and racist fascist, a repulsive character: Jair Bolsonaro has attacked the World Health Organization ("The war caused one of the fastest large-scale displacements of children since World War II"), but this time not for its policies regarding the Covid-19 epidemic, but why according to him it would push children to homosexuality and masturbation. He did it with a message on Facebook, which he then deleted.

“E’ this is the World Health Organization whose certain advice they would like to hear?” Bolsonaro asked rhetorically. “E – he added – we should also follow their education policy? For children up to four years old: satisfaction and pleasure in touching their bodies, masturbation (…). For children from four to serious years, a positive gender identity (…), childhood masturbation, homosexuality (…); da nove a 12 years: first sexual experience”:

The origin of this post would be in the “Education standards” dell’Oms Europa, published in 2010. In this guide, among many things, it should be noted that children begin to discover their bodies early and that curiosity about sexuality is normal for them.


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