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I sogni non si possono rubare

of Sebastian Fezza

The war deprived them of many things, took loved ones away, friends, family members, but there is something that not even bombs can destroy, dreams.
Children living in conflict areas continue to dream, to imagine their adult life,
they do it in the rubble of the destroyed cities, they do it in refugee camps.

Cosa sognano i bambini in guerra, they dream of a home, a school, they dream of returning to play with their friends, they dream of their future, they dream of becoming doctors to heal the wounded, they dream of becoming engineers to rebuild houses destroyed by war.

Sognano di diventare insegnanti per istruire altri bambini, they dream of becoming journalists, writers and photojournalists to tell what happened in their country so that it doesn't happen again.

War is around the corner, it is reflected in their eyes, but they keep dreaming in spite of everything.
I bambini sono solo bambini, their dreams are our future.

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