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The Curse of Raw Materials.

of Sebastian Fezza

Niger, one of the poorest countries in the world where, a year yes, another not, a terrible famine mows down thousands of human lives, and to think that Niger is very rich, is among the first world producers of a strategic raw material, l’uranium, an immense treasure which, however, is of no benefit to the Nigerien people.

The first who began to exploit this important natural resource were the Frenchi, forty years of the French company Areva, which is now called Oran, to follow all the other western multinationals.
In northern Niger there is an area of ​​approx 90.000 sq km, interested in the exploitation of uranium without any health precautions by the mining companies and the government towards the local population.
A huge extension highly radioactive, with very serious repercussions on the aquifers used by both people and animals.
A very poor country where most of the population has no electricity in home, lives on sheep farming and agriculture, the 63%, according to UNICEF estimates, lives below the extreme poverty line.

Almost all Nigerian children do not go to school, they live on almsgiving or engage in small trafficking and illegal activities, it's the only way to survive.

Thousands of children who walk the streets during the day with saucepans in their hands looking for alms, and at night they sniff glue to appease their hunger pangs, children who have had the misfortune of being born in a very rich country in the subsoil, but with a very poor population.

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