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A psychologist hates and insults women on social media, the denunciation of Cathy La Torre: “An unprecedented violence”

Antonio Gullì's posts

The lawyer on Instagram: “Can a person who gives birth and writes such thoughts, work clinically with the mind of teenagers?”

A series of disgusting and sexist insults, always aimed at women including Teresa Bellanova, Jasmine Crystal, Minister Azzolina. Posted on Facebook in the belief that free speech means freedom to insult. But that's not the case and Cathy La Torre, on Instagram, complaint Antonio Gullì, psychologist, giving name and surname for 'moral duty'. Right away, his complaint post on Instagram:
This gentleman, Antonio Gullì of Reggio Calabria, is a psychologist. His profession is to heal the frailties of the mind and soul of people. Even the little ones.

Yet what, between one consultation and another, writes on social media owns such a charge of hatred against women, it is of a violence, of a ferocity, of a vulgarity such as to leave you disoriented.
It is the first time that I have given the name and surname of a hater but this time I told myself it was a duty to do so.
Why can a person who gives birth and writes similar thoughts, work clinically with the mind of teenagers?
By Teresa Bellanova “This obese of but, ignorant, lousy, puana da galera. Scum of humanity. I wish you death, slow and painful, to you and your children. Mea, you and all your infamous race ".

By Jasmine Cristiallo: "In any case, in my opinion, one called Jasmine Cristallo makes apples with a swallow. Safe". He generally writes about women: "I think that many women with the excuse of the mask have spared us the eternal problem of the famous pillow on the face".

Minister Azzolina: “But is it my impression or Azzolina has something that reminds us of Moana? I ask for a friend ". Ecco, I still wonder: can a person who gives birth and writes similar thoughts take care of psychologically supporting women and adolescents?
I am afraid that such a person is a danger to himself and to others.
And for this I know that his Order is already proceeding.
While a Jasmine Crystal, which I follow legally, I promise that we will have justice in the appropriate places.
For her and for all the women victims of this unprecedented violence”


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