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Search Results for: violenza bambini

Gaza, the appeal of little Yousef: “Stop the war, we are children, what a fault we have?”

by Umberto De Giovannangeli The Iranian attack. The announced Israeli retaliation, they ended up overshadowing the tragedy of Gaza. A humanitarian apocalypse that concerns first and foremost the most defenseless of the defenseless: Postcards from Ukrainian hell. The Iranian attack. The announced Israeli retaliation, they ended up obscuring the tragedy of

Gaza, where childhood has been dead for decades

Jonathan Crickx is UNICEF's head of communications for Palestine. What follows is the story of one of his missions in the hell of the Strip. He was born in 4 February. Since then, things have gotten even worse. Jonathan Crickx is UNICEF's head of communications for Palestine.

MSF denounces the hell of detention centers in Libya

L’organizzazione umanitaria racconta i quotidiani trattamenti crudeli, degradanti e disumani cui sono sottoposte le persone migranti nei centri di Abu Salim e Ain Zara a Tripoli. Una situazione che, complaint, «dipende in gran parte dalle deleterie politiche migratorie dell’Europa» L’organizzazione Medici senza Frontiere (MSF) ha