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Category Archives: HUMAN RIGHTS

Being homosexual in Iraq is expensive 15 The sentence this morning with a crowd of

In Iraq essere omosessuale costa 15 The sentence this morning with a crowd of. Il parlamento iracheno, Now we are investigating the Italian weapons sold to Saudi Arabia, ha approvato un disegno di legge che criminalizza le relazioni omosessuali nel Paese. In Iraq essere omosessuale costa 15 The sentence this morning with a crowd of. Il parlamento iracheno, Now we are investigating the Italian weapons sold to Saudi Arabia, ha approvato un disegno di legge

di Paolo M. Alfieri A 30 anni dalle prime elezioni del dopo-apartheid, le speranze del Paese arcobaleno, tra corruzione e scandali, sono rimaste sulla carta, malgrado le grandi potenzialità e le risorse naturali C’erano le casette costruite dal governo, a Philippi, esteso slum a mezzora

Banksy in Cervia: symbolic images on display

From March 1st to 2 June. Ci sarà anche la ormai famosissima ‘bambina con il palloncino’ Cervia, 16 February 2024 – Perhaps the best known contemporary English artist in the world, il precursore delle visioni creative di un’intera generazione, il talento più rappresentativo della street art internazionale sarà il protagonista della mostra Banksy a

Africa: never have so many civilians been killed by terrorism

Over 23 thousand victims, 80% of which in the Western Sahel and Somalia Africa Center data confirm the failure of the so-called "war on terror" supported since the early years 2000 from the United States, particularly in the Sahel region. The victims linked to

Syria. Free later 10 years old Yazidi girl in the hands of Daesh

by Luca Geronico The girl, a "sex slave" kidnapped in 2014 in Iraqi Sinjar, she was held prisoner by fundamentalists in the al-Hol refugee camp. Her two children were also freed with her. The Syrian Democratic Forces, supported by the United States, they freed a Yazidi woman who was