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The agony of Syrians in Lebanon, trapped between two wars

by Marina Pupella The clashes in the south fuel the nightmare of the new conflict. While the economic emergency increases the resentment of the local population: “They tell us to return to our country” Fleeing the war and the violence suffered in Syria, the refugees who have taken refuge in Lebanon fear

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Genital mutilation

Genital mutilations are generally practiced through the use of rudimentary objects, which knives, scissors, razor blades and, Usually, without the use of any type of anesthetic. Short-term consequences include bleeding and infections, while among the long-term ones

Malaria in Africa is increasingly deadly

Nonostante Ghana, Nigeria e Burkina Faso abbiano annunciato, nell’ultima settimana, l’avvio delle prime campagne vaccinali della storia contro la malaria, in 2024 grazie al farmaco R21 prodotto dall’università di Oxford, la malaria resta la prima causa di morte nel continente africano, una piaga che ogni

Kenya: trash-clothes source of pollution

900 millions of second-hand, low-quality clothing items arrived in Kenya in 2021. 150 millions of clothes come from the European Union and the United Kingdom, largely as donations. Half of these dresses are unused because they are damaged, contaminated (from the plastic that

Children: grown by 5 times between January and October in Baidoa in the south of the country the number of children treated for the worst form of malnutrition, while hunger pursues families displaced by the climate crisis.

attacks that have hit health facilities across the country in the past four weeks 600.000 people forced from their homes by the climate crisis have camped out 500 fields around the city desperate for water and food, after their wells have dried up, crops have failed and livestock is