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The courage of Nadia Murad, Iraq passes law to compensate Yazidi women raped by Isis

Green light of Parliament in Iraq, after a long push and pull, the law providing for compensation for Yazidi women who survived sexual crimes and attempted genocide by Isis. According to the human rights site “Open Global Rights”, the approved bill provides important compensation measures for women captured by caliphate terrorists, including compensation, rehabilitation, medical treatment and opportunities’ economic.

The law, furthermore, expressly qualifies the crimes committed against the Yazidis as “genocide” and establishes that no one responsible for any kidnapping and detention actions against them may be included in a general or special amnesty.

nadia murad, awarded the Nobel Prize for peace in 2018, on Twitter, commented that it is a historic passage. Nadia saw her brothers killed before being kidnapped by the militiamen who subjected her to every series of tortures. Rape as a weapon of war for the subjugation of Yazidi women. Nadia managed to escape because one of her jailers forgot to lock the cell in which she had been locked up.. She found refuge with a family who hid her and then took her to a refugee camp from where she was able to reach Germany.

With his lawyer, Amal Clooney, helped to create the "Unitad", the United Nations investigation team to establish responsibility for the crimes committed by Daesh. Almost ninety mass graves have so far been discovered in the Sinjar town alone.

Nadia also worked systematically to gather evidence of the horrors by documenting how slave markets were organized and online chat to sell and trade Yazidi women and girls. There is overwhelming public evidence of the crimes committed although so far the recognition of their responsibility for these crimes has been minimal.

The messenger

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