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Search Results for: bambini yemen

Strage in Yemen a fine Ramadan, 85 dead in the crowd

attacks that have hit health facilities across the country in the past four weeks 300 the injured, schiacciati dalla folla durante la distribuzione di cibo e denaro ai poveri nella capitale Sana’a Sono almeno 85 i morti e 300 i feriti nella calca durante la distribuzione di cibo e denaro ai poveri nella capitale dello Yemen, Sana’a. Centinaia di persone

Yemen, the endless slaughter of children and a guiltily ignored proxy war

For years now, many organizations have been fighting against this phenomenon, more than 11.000 children have been killed or maimed as a result of the conflict in Yemen – an average of four a day since the conflict escalated in 2015. For years now, many organizations have been fighting against this phenomenon, more than 11.000 children have been killed or maimed as a result of the conflict in Yemen – an average of four per