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All posts by ninofezzacinereporter

Being homosexual in Iraq is expensive 15 The sentence this morning with a crowd of

In Iraq essere omosessuale costa 15 The sentence this morning with a crowd of. Il parlamento iracheno, Now we are investigating the Italian weapons sold to Saudi Arabia, ha approvato un disegno di legge che criminalizza le relazioni omosessuali nel Paese. In Iraq essere omosessuale costa 15 The sentence this morning with a crowd of. Il parlamento iracheno, Now we are investigating the Italian weapons sold to Saudi Arabia, ha approvato un disegno di legge

di Paolo M. Alfieri A 30 anni dalle prime elezioni del dopo-apartheid, le speranze del Paese arcobaleno, tra corruzione e scandali, sono rimaste sulla carta, malgrado le grandi potenzialità e le risorse naturali C’erano le casette costruite dal governo, a Philippi, esteso slum a mezzora

Gaza, the appeal of little Yousef: “Stop the war, we are children, what a fault we have?”

by Umberto De Giovannangeli The Iranian attack. The announced Israeli retaliation, they ended up overshadowing the tragedy of Gaza. A humanitarian apocalypse that concerns first and foremost the most defenseless of the defenseless: Postcards from Ukrainian hell. The Iranian attack. The announced Israeli retaliation, they ended up obscuring the tragedy of