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Category Archives: AFRICA

In Africa 6 people per minute die of hunger

Right now in Africa a person on 5 suffer from malnutrition and 93 million people in 36 Countries are literally running out of food. This was revealed in an Oxfam note,, adding that the hardest hit are women and children. In the sub-Saharan region a child dies for

Vaccines, the shame of Christmas

by Massimo Zaurrini “While Covid-19 has overshadowed a second Christmas season of uncertainty and fear in many countries, activists warn that governments risk trapping the world in an endless cycle of variants, upgrades, restrictions and even blocks, if you allow i

When the blue helmets betray their mandate

When one thinks of peacekeeping forces, the mind immediately goes to the UN peacekeepers. Their task, in various parts of the world and even in Africa it is precisely to protect populations from the horrors of war, from the raids of the armed militias, from abuse

The geopolitics of instability in the Sahel

The Sahel is one of the most unstable regions in the world. In this area, a cross-border conflict involving government forces has been taking place for years, armed insurgency groups, terrorist cells and international actors. The armed insurgency in states such as Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger puts more and more

The eternal craving for the riches of Africa

Dall’oro della Nubia che finanziava i Faraoni neri al grano del Maghreb che sfamava l’Antica Roma, fino alle più recenti mire della Cina e delle altre potenze, per secoli l’Africa ha rappresentato una sorta di Eldorado delle materie prime. Passato, presente e futuro del Continente

God Bless Africa!

Mille voci sudafricane celebrano i valori dell’unità e della diversità con una canzone che incarna i valori della libertà e della speranza. Oggi – martedì 25 maggio – è la Giornata Mondiale dell’Africa. Si celebra un giorno importante per la storia del continente. It was the

Africa, "liquid jihad" drowns the Sahel

Si moltiplicano i gruppi affiliati a Daesh o al-Qaeda ma con obiettivi locali, come il controllo delle risorse. In Somalia gli shabaab impongono il «pizzo» e l’ultima tappa verso est è il Mozambico di Paolo M. Alfieri Un jihad «liquido», sparso, in cui le grandi