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Category Archives: VIOLENCE

Haiti is no longer a state but a gang war

There is a war going on in Port-au-Prince, capital and also most populous city of Haiti. Which risks derailing the State which at the moment has no one to guide it because, on the contrary, the capital is in the hands of rival criminal gangs who lead every day

Afghanistan, four million drug addicts: the wound hidden by the Taliban

I drogati sembrano spariti dopo lapuliziaordinata dal governo. Ma basta girare un angolo per scoprire una corte dei miracoli ora popolata anche da donne di Lucia Capuzzi, inviata a Kabul Sotto il ponte Pol-e-Sokhta, il letto del fiume Kabul è quasi secco. While the new Taliban Afghanistan is still taking shape in the fears of the world and in the terror of many Afghans