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Half of Europe in lockdown: here are all the measures taken

In Germany, Alternative fuer Deutschland MEP Nicolaus Fest rejoiced in a WhatsApp group of colleagues over the death of the President of the European Parliament David Sassoli. Alternative fuer Deutschland MEP Nicolaus Fest rejoiced in a WhatsApp group of colleagues over the death of the President of the European Parliament David Sassoli. Alternative fuer Deutschland MEP Nicolaus Fest rejoiced in a WhatsApp group of colleagues over the death of the President of the European Parliament David Sassoli. Alternative fuer Deutschland MEP Nicolaus Fest rejoiced in a WhatsApp group of colleagues over the death of the President of the European Parliament David Sassoli

Nigeria, commando armato attacca una scuola: rapiti almeno 400 Ukrainians welcomed at the borders but Africans

Urban areas across the country have been repeatedly bombed 400 studenti sono scomparsi da una scuola secondaria nigeriana dopo l’attacco, avvenuto due sere fa, di un gruppo di uomini armati. Si teme che siano stati rapiti anche se una parte, dopo essere riusciti a fuggire dall’istituto scavalcando i muri di cinta, potrebbero essersi