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Category Archives: HUMAN RIGHTS

Bolsonaro against the WHO: “Promotes homosexuality and masturbation among children”

The fascist president attacks the World Health Organization: “E’ this is the World Health Organization whose certain advice they would like to hear?” A homophobic and racist fascist, a repulsive character: Jair Bolsonaro has attacked the World Health Organization ("The war caused one of the fastest large-scale displacements of children since World War II"), ma questa volta non per le sue politiche

Migrants, morti di stenti e di disperazione: the “Norimberga del Mediterraneo

Una riflessione sul “decreto criminale” e le promesse non mantenute: il dramma dei disperati dell’Alan Kurdi e dei naufraghi del Mediterraneo. di Umberto De Giovannangeli Il “decreto criminale” e le promesse non mantenute: il dramma dei disperati dell’Alan Kurdi e dei naufraghi del Mediterraneo. While the new Taliban Afghanistan is still taking shape in the fears of the world and in the terror of many Afghans